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Little Bits of Personal Magic

There’s more snow at our home on Bozeman Pass than I’ve ever seen, and that’s sayin a lot. I’ve taken two major spills on the ice and the towering berms have me feeling claustrophobic, but there’s no denying it’s beautiful. If you'd really like to see the magnitude, check out my Instagram.

Our view from the driveway

It’s a good thing my husband is a snow plowing machine, because

Jump Start still gotta jump, and your girl needed to get out of the driveway.

My first trip in February was down to 360 Pet Medical, where we spent a few hours discussing emotional intelligence and boundary-setting. I had a moment of doubt when I attempted to relate healthy boundaries to healthy cells, but the veterinarians in the room assured me that my metaphor was sound.

Next up was a communication workshop with the Montana State University Breaks Away Leaders, another group I’ve worked with for years. I absolutely love this program and wish I had taken advantage of these opportunities when I was an undergrad.

2023 MSU BreaksAway Leaders

The team at Ceremony Bozeman

The final in-person training of the month was with the FABULOUS women of Ceremony Bozeman, which was recently voted Bozeman’s Best Spa. I’ve provided them with coaching and consulting services since they opened last May and had an absolute blast providing the staff with some classic Mind-Style team building.

Virtually, I launched my Community-Centered Program Development learning series with the Arizona Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith, and Family. The group consists of forty practitioners from around the state who will be working with me through the end of March to reassess and refine their program development skills.

I’ve been working on the Community-Centered Program Development curriculum for years and am so grateful for the opportunity to bring it to life.

I ended the month with staff and board members from One Valley Community Foundation discussing the strategic planning process I will be guiding them through for the remainder of the year, followed directly by a strategy session with the senior staff from the Center for Large Landscape Conservation.

Temps were cold, but coaching was hot.

This month’s coaching theme revolved around the importance of effective group facilitation in senior leadership roles. All too often this skillset is overlooked at the executive level, and the consequences are significant. If you’re guilty of not giving your facilitation skills enough attention, I would suggest reading How to Fix Meetings, Facilitating Breakthrough, and The Art of Gathering as starting points.

February was also full of Magic.

Me and my best gal reflecting on womanhood and leadership

Early in the month I traveled to White Sulphur Springs with the Red Ants Pants Foundation Girls Leadership Program mentors for some deep discussion around womanhood. The session was led by my beautiful friend Liz Moore from Sagebird. She brought the language of magic into the room, and everyone brought their magic into the space.

The following week another woman that I deeply admire sent me a bouquet of flowers with a card thanking for me for my magic. The next day another card arrived from a dear friend, also celebrating my magic. I was blown away, and have spent several hours trying to put my finger on what exactly that magic might be. While I haven't totally figured it out, I can say that I am officially enchanted by the concept and what it might means for our personal leadership.

“Like snowflakes, the human pattern is never cast twice.” — Alice Childress

My March Challenge to You:

Magical Little Snowflakes

I want to extend each of you to an invitation to use the month of March to explore and take ownership over your personal magic by sitting with the following questions:

What unique strengths and skills do you possess?

How do those skills and strengths dance together in your day-to-day world?

How do those skills and strengths benefit the people around you? What's the impact?

How are these strengths and skills greater than the sum of their parts?

What single word might you use to capture these attributes? How does it represent your magic?


If you'd like a little inspiration for your magical reflection, check out the playlist I created for that very purpose.

Much Love My Magical Friends,



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