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The Spark

Jun 3, 2023
The Convergence of Spring & False Urgency
Each May I block out a recovery window in my schedule with the intention of creating space for reflection and realignment. I’d love to...

May 3, 2023
Sunbeams, Shadows & Imposter Syndrome
“Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of...

Apr 4, 2023
Scarcity, Abundance, and Balance
It seems like it was just last week when I sat down to share more with you about the month of February, and yet here we are, at the end...

Mar 2, 2023
Little Bits of Personal Magic
There’s more snow at our home on Bozeman Pass than I’ve ever seen, and that’s sayin a lot. I’ve taken two major spills on the ice and the...

Jan 31, 2023
New Years & Unexepected Affirmations
January reminded me that we can do anything, but not everything, at anytime. The New Year came in like a Yeti, and when I say Yeti, I...

Shannon Stober
Dec 31, 2021
What's in a Name?
What’s in a name? Well, if you’re a meaning-making machine like I am, probably a lot.
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